React is an open-source JavaScript front-end library that allows developers to create user interfaces. It’s often used to create single-page mobile/web applications. ReactJS development is a well-structured Framework that allows JavaScript code to be injected into an HTML page using JSX syntax. Also, React makes it easy for beginners to create a dynamic UI.

React is a very popular framework today, thanks to the simplicity and flexibility it offers. ReactJS is preferred by more than 1300k developers, and 10,2 million websites.

The risks of using different technologies have increased significantly as more data is shared online. React is a low-risk framework compared to others, but any mistake could cause serious complications for your app. React has a lot of open-source components. This means that it’s unlicensed and rarely uses codes. It also has unreliable resources, making your application vulnerable to security threats.

Don’t panic. Here are some precautions to help secure your ReactJS app if you have chosen ReactJS as the mobile application framework. So, let’s get started.

How can you secure ReactJS applications?

Today, any business web application is based on extensive data exchanges and connections to multiple sources. It allows businesses to compete on the market, and provide effective services to end users. It has some downsides as well. ReactJS’s high level of connectivity makes web applications vulnerable to data breaches and security flaws.

ReactJS does not have any default security settings. When you hire ReactJS developers make sure that they are familiar with the most common security issues in web apps.

React is constantly being updated and improved. It’s hard to make a list with all the vulnerabilities that are associated with it. We will discuss some of the most common and well-known threats.

Cross-site scripting

XSS is a serious vulnerability on the client side where hackers add malicious code into your program. This code is interpreted incorrectly as valid, and it gets executed as part of the application.

SQL injection

SQL injection is a code-injection technique that inserts malicious SQL queries in the input fields. The attacker can modify data (read or write), or even delete the data.

XML External Entity Attack (XXE).

This is a specific attack that targets XML parsers. This occurs when an XML parser with a poorly configured external entity reference is used to process the reference. The XXE-attack may result in the disclosure of confidential data.

Broken authentication

The success of your application depends on the authentication. Our ReactJS Development Company has two-factor authentication available in ReactJS. However, a poor/inadequate authentication can lead to a security breach. It may also expose your entire user data to the attacker, allowing them to manipulate it.

Zip Slip

Zip Slip is a vulnerability that allows for the extraction of archives. It allows remote command execution by allowing attackers to upload arbitrary files.

Execution of arbitrary codes

The attacker can run any code they want on the target computer. This exploit is a code that the attacker runs to disrupt the target computer via remote code execution.

How can you prevent ReactJS application vulnerabilities and risks?

You should secure your ReactJS application by following these best practices:

Data binding protects against XSS

React Framework will automatically escape values when you use data binding in curly braces to protect your app from XSS attacks. This protection is only effective when rendering non-HTML attributes and “textContent”. Use JSX data binding syntax instead to insert data into your elements.

Dangerous URLs

URLs contain dynamic script content. To avoid URL-based scripting, you should always verify the URL and ensure that the links are https or http to prevent javascript. You can also use the native URL-parsing function in order to validate the URL. This will match the protocol property parsed to allow the list.

Rendering HTML

We can insert HTML directly into the DOM using “dangerouslySetInnerHTML.” These contents must get sanitized beforehand with the help of a sanitization library like dompurify on these values before placing them into the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop.

Direct DOM Access

If you inject HTML, make sure you use “dangerouslySetInnerHTML” and sanitize it using “do purify” before injecting it into the component. Our application is vulnerable because we use innerHTML, findDomNode(), and refs to directly access the DOM. Therefore, try to avoid the use of these methods, and use the “dangerouslySetInnerHTML” for the entire purpose.

Server-side rendering

Use server-side rendering functions like “ReacrDOMServer.renderToStrin() and ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(). This helps to provide content escape while sending data to the client. However, it’s not safe to combine unsanitized data with the “renderToStaticMarkup() output before sending it for hydration. Avoid concatenating both.

Detecting vulnerabilities in dependencies

Check the vulnerability index before you import the dependency into your application. It may have vulnerable dependencies. Install the most recent version or a version that has fewer vulnerabilities. You can use Snyk, a tool that makes it easy to find vulnerabilities.

Inject JSON state

JSON and XML formats are widely used to transmit data across the network. Many prefer JSON. It is also possible to send JSON along with server rendered react pages. To prevent injection attacks, replace the character by a gentle Unicode value. Replace HTML-specific code from JSON by their Unicode equivalent.

You can read more about it here:

It is now a necessity to protect your React application. With the increasing number of threats and loopholes that attackers are exploiting, it’s no longer possible to do so. Hire React developers that specialize in security, or outsource to a well known app development company such as us. You always have an expert at your side when it comes down to security.